by Julia Nielsen | Sep 25, 2018 | Aerobic Digestion, Bioaugmentation, Blog, Compliance, Microbiology, Sludge Dewatering, Wastewater Treatment
When it comes to oxygen, we need it to survive – that’s a given. Without it, our world would be a barren wasteland. Now picture thousands of species all co-existing with other creatures in this unique ecosystem, spewing hot life-giving chemicals like a volcano. So,...
by Julia Nielsen | Sep 11, 2018 | Bioaugmentation, Blog, Compliance, Lift Station Odor Control, Microbiology, Wastewater Treatment
You know the odor, it makes you cringe. Hydrogen sulfide or “rotten egg” smell is unmistakable. No one wants to smell the horrible odor – especially when the community starts complaining. In addition, hydrogen sulfide is poisonous and presents serious health risks to...
by Julia Nielsen | Sep 5, 2018 | Bioaugmentation, Blog, Compliance, Microbiology, Wastewater Treatment
You may have used bioaugmentation to enhance your wastewater treatment or collection system with varying degrees of success. Wastewater bioaugmentation has been performed for many years by introducing outside microbes to the system, either from another plant’s...
by ATS Senior Editor | Jun 23, 2016 | Algae, Algal Blooms, Bacteria, Bioaugmentation, Blog, BOD, Chemicals, Chemistry, Clean Drinking Water, Compliance, Comply, Contaminants, Cyanobacteria, DBPs, Dewatering, FOG, Hydrogen Sulfide, Innova MB, Innovate, Lagoons, Lift Station Odor Control, Maintenance Reduction, Microbial Monitoring, Microbial Testing, Microbiology, Microorganisms, Mussels, Nano-Molecular Carbon, Phosphorus Removal, Polymer Blend Treatment, Press Releases, Probiotics, Protect, Sludge, Surface Water, Total Organic Carbon, Wastewater Collection System, Wastewater Genomic Mapping, Wastewater Odor Removal, Wastewater Treatment, Wastewater Treatment Plants, Water Treatment, Water Treatment Plants
IN THE NEWS Have you been watching the news? Water problems are a growing concern, not only in your local community but throughout the entire world. Take a few moments to follow what news sources are saying about the remarkable results that ATS Innova is creating with...
by ATS Senior Editor | Jun 19, 2016 | Bioaugmentation, Careers, Chemistry, Compliance, Innova MB, Innovate, Jobs, Lagoons, Lift Station Odor Control, Microbial Testing, Microbiology, Phosphorus Removal, Polymer Blend Treatment, Press Releases, Probiotics, Protect, Surface Water, Taste & Odor, Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment
CONTACT US You’ll be pleased with the results of our high-performance chemistry program along with the service of our industry-recognized experts. We provide long-term value and solutions that solve your most pressing water concerns. If you have any immediate...
by ATS Senior Editor | Jun 19, 2016 | Algaecide, Bactericide, Bioaugmentation, Biological Oxidation, BOD, Clean Drinking Water, Compliance, Comply, Contaminants, Copper Reduction, Cyanobacteria, Digesters, Drinking Water, Flooding Hazards, FOG, HAA, Hydrogen Sulfide, Innova MB, Innovate, Lift Station Odor Control, Microbial Contaminants, Microbial Testing, Microbiology, Microorganisms, Phosphate Removal, Phosphate Standards, Phosphorus Removal, Polymer Blend Treatment, Protect, Wastewater Odor Removal, Wastewater Treatment, Wastewater Treatment Plants, Water Treatment, Water Treatment Plants
ENGINEERS • PLANT MANAGERS • SUPERINTENDENTS Compliance & Event Risk The Pros’ No. 1 Concern LEARN MORE > Request a Quote > “Accurate, real-time microbiological testing results enable wastewater managers to save time, optimize operating costs, and manage...