
Will ATS Innova’s New Water Treatment Probiotics Product Line Work for Me?

Just as probiotics work to correct health issues in the gut, it can do the same for wastewater treatment. Probiotics make up very small organic molecules that improves existing microbial activity in wastewater; they reduce sludge, cut down on odor, and control BOD and...

Discover Wastewater Genomic Mapping: Decoding the Best Microbes to Use

All living organisms contain DNA – including living ecosystems and living wastewater treatment. The scientific research project, known as the Human Genome Project started in 1990 and took more than a decade to complete and $2.7 billion. The goal included identifying...

THE Dream Team for the Best Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment facilities in the United States process approximately 34 billion gallons of wastewater every day. Think about the expense that entails. Now think about what you spend annually and whether you’ve been spending more time and money on your wastewater...

What’s a Wastewater Fatberg and How You’re Contributing to It

If you’ve seen the original Ghostbusters II, you would know that under New York, a massive red, molten lava, thick slime coated the sewers and eventually, pushed up through the manholes and started devouring everything. It took cars in its grasp and people started...

Why Calcium Nitrate is a Scam and is Costing You in the Long Run

You may think using calcium nitrate is a cost-effective solution for wastewater management, but you’d be very wrong. Before getting into the nuts and bolts of the proven ineffectiveness and why it’s expensive, let’s first talk about calcium nitrate and wastewater...

Old Versus New Bioaugmentation: Why It’s Better Than Ever

Wastewater bioaugmentation, having been around for decades, is a way to improve the reduction of organic solids and odors. Advancements in environmental biotechnology allow for designing of better, more effective products. The result is the introduction of ATS Innova...