

Have you been watching the news?

Water problems are a growing concern, not only in your local community but throughout the entire world. Take a few moments to follow what news sources are saying about the remarkable results that ATS Innova is creating with its clean water solutions.

Will ATS Innova’s New Water Treatment Probiotics Product Line Work for Me?

Just as probiotics work to correct health issues in the gut, it can do the same for wastewater treatment. Probiotics make up very small organic molecules that improves existing microbial activity in wastewater; they reduce sludge, cut down on odor, and control BOD and...

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Phos58™: The Unique Rare Earth Metal that is Changing How We Treat Wastewater

Phos58™: The Unique Rare Earth Metal that is Changing How We Treat Wastewater

Rare earth metals have been used for thousands of years for many uses. One of the applications includes treating wastewater, specifically regarding phosphorus removal. Phos58, a rare earth chloride solution with high performance, is a water-soluble coagulant that has...

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How Innova MB™ Products Promote Biological Oxidation in Wastewater

How Innova MB™ Products Promote Biological Oxidation in Wastewater

Just like an ecosystem needs oxygen to sustain life, the same goes with treating wastewater. By introducing oxygen in the water, it aerates the water and kills off harmful microorganisms. When a reduction in biochemical or biological oxidation occurs,...

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ATS Announces Partnership with Probiotic Solutions for Microbial Wastewater Treatment

ATS Innova has signed a contract with Probiotic Solutions – a concentrated liquid wastewater remediation company located in Gilbert, AZ. The company features Micro Carbon Technology®, and together with ATS, offers the best microbial wastewater treatment on the market....

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Less than Stellar Wastewater Treatment? Why Nano-Molecular Carbon Beats the Same Ole’ Same Ole’

Wastewater treatment continues to be a challenge and will always be one – however, if you’re dealing with less than the best treatment, it may be time to re-think your solutions. Nano-Molecular Carbon is at the forefront of many advanced solutions with ATS...

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What Are the New State Phosphorus Regulations I Need to Know?

What Are the New State Phosphorus Regulations I Need to Know?

Phosphorus removal has been and continues to be a big challenge, more now than ever before. You may wonder what’s the big deal? Since you can find phosphorus in nearly every fertilizer manufactured commercially, it affects our watershed. After crops are fertilized,...

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ATS Collaborates with LuminUltra for Microbial Testing

ATS announced a press release yesterday that included the contract signing of a strategic alliance with Canada-based LuminUltra. Together, ATS and LuminUltra can bring smart solutions in real time with monitoring microbes in water and offering the...

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Why Wastewater Enzymes are Illegal in Treatment Facilities

Since the massive fatberg found in Wales took the mainstream media by storm, the topic has been making the rounds on the blogosphere – ours included. FOG and other things dumped down the sink or toilet result in the accumulation of sludge, which then backs...

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Discover Wastewater Genomic Mapping: Decoding the Best Microbes to Use

All living organisms contain DNA – including living ecosystems and living wastewater treatment. The scientific research project, known as the Human Genome Project started in 1990 and took more than a decade to complete and $2.7 billion. The goal included...

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THE Dream Team for the Best Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment facilities in the United States process approximately 34 billion gallons of wastewater every day. Think about the expense that entails. Now think about what you spend annually and whether you’ve been spending more time and money on...

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What’s a Wastewater Fatberg and How You’re Contributing to It

If you’ve seen the original Ghostbusters II, you would know that under New York, a massive red, molten lava, thick slime coated the sewers and eventually, pushed up through the manholes and started devouring everything. It took cars in its grasp and people...

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Do You Know the Condition of Your Wastewater Collection System?

Imagine you’re in charge of wastewater collection system maintenance when suddenly a recent storm overflows the sewer system. When combined sewers connect to wastewater treatment plants, they can become overburdened during combined sewer overflows or CSO...

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Why Calcium Nitrate is a Scam and is Costing You in the Long Run

You may think using calcium nitrate is a cost-effective solution for wastewater management, but you’d be very wrong. Before getting into the nuts and bolts of the proven ineffectiveness and why it’s expensive, let’s first talk about calcium nitrate and...

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Does Innova MB Just Send Hydrogen Sulfide in Wastewater Further Downstream?

Hydrogen sulfide in wastewater can cause immediate problems, as well as long-term problems. Many products take care of the issue upstream but don’t tackle it at the source, so it doesn’t send the problem further downstream. ATS Innova MB...

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Hydrogen Sulfide Effects on Humans and Why Removing it is Critical

In the last blog post, we discussed the effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on infrastructure and how an excess of the colorless gas can corrode pipes, sewer lines, and other equipment. If that’s not bad enough, hydrogen sulfide effects can also corrode...

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Tips for Flood-Proofing Wastewater Treatment Plants

When it comes to Mother Nature and flooding, recent history has taught us just how quickly water can overflow banks and pose major problems for wastewater and water treatment plants. With the last hurricanes, flooding has become a major concern –...

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The Difference Between Enzymes and Bacillus Bacteria and Why Microbes are Superior

Wastewater treatment plants have a big job to do, so ensuring the right products used is crucial. Many plants use enzymes to treat water; however, they only do part of the job. Bioaugmentation wastewater treatment proves far more superior in aiding with...

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Phosphorus and Its Effect on Wastewater Plants

Phosphorus and Its Effect on Wastewater Plants

Years ago, our laundry detergent had other uses beyond just cleaning laundry. If you had an oil spill in a driveway, for example, you could pour a little Tide and water on it and then come out an hour later and rinse everything away, including the oil. Likewise, if...

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Desludge, Reduce Backwashes, and Save

Desludge, Reduce Backwashes, and Save

You need to desludge, and you need better water treatment solutions because you're running too many backwashes. Your sludge hauls are getting more and more frequent, and hurting your bottom line. Sludge hauls and backwashes are necessary parts of the water treatment...

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The art of smart wastewater solutions at Innova

The art of smart wastewater solutions at Innova

You've got algae filling up your settling basin and clogging your wastewater system. Maybe quagga mussels have taken up residence in your equipment. Or are you producing too much sludge at your wastewater treatment plant? You have a wastewater treatments problem....

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